Setelah sekian lama negara mengimpikan kapal selam akhirnya menjadi keyataan juga apabila KD Tunku Abdul Rahman akhirnya tiba di Malaysia pada 3 September yang lalu, kapal selam ini diharap dapat memberikan "deterrent effect" pada negara amnya dan TLDM khususnya. berikut adalah spesifikasi teknikal ringkas tentang Scorpene Class SSK (KD TAR):
3 subtypes: Basic, Basic-AIP (with *MESMA air-independent propulsion) and Compact
Crew 31
Overall Length 63.5m
Draught 5.4m
Submerged Displacement 1,590t
Surface Displacement 1,450t
Pressure Hull Weldable and High-Tensile Steel 80HLES, more than 700Mpa
Maximum Operating Depth 350m
Submerged Speed Over 20 kt
Range (at 8kt) 6,400nm
Endurance 50 days
Weapon Systems
6 x 533-mm torpedo tubes for 18 torpedoes or SM.39 Exocet anti-ship missiles, 30 mines in place of torpedoes
* MESMA system will increasing the scorpene underwater time by a factor of three while performance characteristics reamain largely the same. By using the MESMA system the submarine’s length increases (76.2 m overall length for AM-2000 compared to 63.5 CM-2000) and also its submerged displacement (1,870 t AM-2000 and 1,590 t for CM-2000)
(Ref:www.military-heat.com,www.fallingpixel.com and http://en.wikipedia.org)