Land Based

Manufacturer: MBDA
Max Range:120 km
The system comprises a fire control system based on a multi-function electronic scanning radar and a Vertical Ground Launcher mounted on Italian Astra/Iveco and French Renault-TRM 10000 trucks and capable of firing eight missiles in rapid sequence. The Aster 30 missile system offers high-level tactical and strategic mobility and due to its high rate of fire is capable of countering saturating threats. SAMP/T with the Aster 30 Block 1 missile can intercept ballistic missiles of ranges up to 600 km. The Arabel Multi-Function Radar operating in the I/J band, having a full hemispherical coverage, high track data refreshment rate and good accuracy A tactical operations center (ME), fully interoperable with allied forces, allowing flexibility in operational modes, Up to six Vertical Launching Systems, each containing eight ready-to-fire missiles, ASTER 30 anti-missile missiles. The SAMP/T system provides 360° defense and an all weather capability. It also features an extremely quick response time, a high firing rate, and the capability to engage many targets simultaneously. It is designed with a high built-in test capability, and requires limited logistics. No more than two people are required to operate the system and the engagement sequence or on board maintenance tasks can be managed in a very comprehensive manner. The use of standard conventional control symbols and a Man Machine Interface (MMI) optimised with the end user in mind allows for easy system use.
Tor M1 9M330

Manufacturer: Unknown
Max Range:25 km
The system is comprised of a number of missile Transporter Launcher Vehicle (TLV),Each TLV is equipped with 8 ready to launch missiles, associating radars, fire control systems and a battery command post. The combat vehicle can operate autonomously, firing from stationary positions or on the move. Set-up time is rated at 3 minutes and typical reaction time, from target detection to missile launch is 5-8 seconds. Reaction time could range from 3.4 seconds for stationary positions to 10 seconds while on the move. Each fire unit can engage and launch missiles against two separate targets. Tor M1 can detect and track up to 48 targets (minimum radar cross section of 0.1 square meter) at a maximum range of 25 km, and engage two of them simultaneously, at a speed of up to 700 m/sec, and at a distance of 1 to 12 km. The system's high lethality (aircraft kill probability of 0.92-0.95) is maintained at altitude of 10 – 6,000 m'. The vertically launched, single-stage solid rocket propelled missile is capable of maneuvering at loads up to 30gs. It is equipped with a 15kg high-explosive fragmentation warhead activated by a proximity fuse. The system is offered as fully integrated tracked combat vehicle, or as a modular combat unit (TOR-M1T) comprising a truck mounted mobile control module and launcher/antenna units, carried on a trailer. Other configuration include separated towed systems, as well as shelter-based systems, for the protection of fixed sites.
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